Punxsutawney Area Chamber of Commerce Vice President Stevette Rosen informs the public about the benefits of joining the Chamber of Commerce, as a business, and as an individual.
Rosen also informed the public about upcoming events: Blues, Brews and BBQ’s in October. They will comply with any and all Pennsylvania Department of Health guidelines for the event. A cinnamon roll sale where the public may order in advance cinnamon buns by August 27th and have them delivered in September.
Rosen recapped previous events, including their first-ever “Festival In The Park.” The Chamber was in compliance with all social mitigation guidelines during the successful event.
Rosen announced she will be going to the Punxsutawney Borough Council Meeting on Tuesday, August 11th to request permission for them to use Barclay Square Park for an outdoor BING event the Chamber is currently planning.